Posts Tagged ‘nutrition’

Radio Interview

A few weeks ago, I was interviewed by Kellie Fuller, from THE VINE, a local radio station here in Napa, CA, to talk about my story of cancer and healing and promote this month’s Eat Healthy Challenge.

This ignited my passion for radio and newfound respect for what it means to be on air—live—where nothing can be taken back or changed. We can’t alter what we said or didn’t say and we can’t edit out the insidious “ums”. Kellie suggested I relax and pretend I was having coffee with a long-time friend. She has a remarkable ability to make one feel completely safe and at ease.

When I got home, Jay asked me how it went. “I love radio,” I said, my cheeks still feeling warm. “I love the enormous microphone; head-set; large, leather, swivel chair; dimmed lighting in the room; and intimacy of the interview. I want to do it again and become proficient at it, like really good at it. Maybe they’d even let me DJ next time,” I smiled. Just in case, I’ve started compiling my list of songs.

You can listen to the interview by clicking on the You Tube Link. This is Part 1 of 2. You can listen to Part 2 on Youtube.

Non-Foods, Kind of Like My i-Phone

“Laura, have a Doritos,” my friend said as the bag was passed around the table.

“No thanks,” I replied.

“How can you turn down Doritos?” he asked. “They’re delicious.”

“I don’t know, I guess it’s the same way I refuse to ingest fast food hamburgers, diet drinks, deli meats with nitrosamines, and French fries. I simply don’t consider them food. It would be like picking up my phone and eating it,” I shrugged.

“Now that’s will-power,” he laughed and popped another Doritos into his mouth.

“I don’t really consider it will-power,” I said. “I know most people enjoy Doritos and I used to eat them by the bag—the large bag of course—but I don’t consider them food anymore. Like I said, it would be like eating my phone.” I pointed to my cell. “They’re not hard to say no to, because I’ve made up my mind and they don’t exist in my repertoire of what constitutes food. Plus, this way of being keeps my trim figure in check,” I joked.

 “Well, I’d eat my i-phone before I’d give up Doritos,” my friend said and licked the orange coating from his fingers. “They sure are tasty.”

I nodded, remembering the yummy taste of Doritos cheesiness. “I’m glad you’re enjoying them,” I chuckled. “I see you’ve made your choice and I respect that.”

I’ve spent many years reading and pondering labels. I’ve studied nutrition and given the experiences in my life—having had tumors and cancer three times—I think most would agree it would be absurd for me to ignore what I’ve learned and continue to eat non-foods. I have no desire to be sick again. I’ve come up with a way to rationalize my food choices based on nutritional value and a sort of risk and reward mentality that suits me. I don’t believe my body wants to tolerate chemicalized or nutrient-dead foods, so I avoid them. It’s as simple as that.

As soon as I see monosodium glutamate; hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated anything; artificial colors, like yellow #5,# 6, red #40, or any other color of the rainbow; aspartame, Nutra Sweet, Splenda; and nitrates or nitrites— I’m out. I wouldn’t eat spoonfuls of chemicals on their own, so why would I eat them in my food?

Deep frying alters the molecular composition of the nutrients, especially in potatoes, and is known to render the compounds carcinogenic. Why would I willingly eat foods that promote cancer—that chomp away at the antioxidants in my body, like a Pac-Man game gone rogue? I’m not going to say I never steal a fry, but it’s pretty darn rare. I feel these “non-foods” are dangerous and I don’t want to roll the dice. Sometimes I reconsider and eat sweet potato fries. You see, we all make choices!

What choices are you contemplating or making healthy junkies? Feel free to share on facebook at The Healthy Junkie fan page.

Next week, I’ll blog about demystifying food—making sense of the abundance of nutritional information. We don’t have to be perfect to be healthy!

Less than two-week countdown to the Community Cleanse Challenge

Hello and thank you for connecting with The Healthy Junkie, my blog, or personal website.  I hope to inspire your inner healthy junkie through community, healthy recipes and information.  I hope you will participate in the community cleanse that begins on October 18th, 2010.  To learn more go to the community cleanse tab.  More about me and the blog…

The two-week countdown for the Community Cleanse Challenge began on October 4th. I’m excited to bring us all together to support and encourage each other to detoxify our bodies for a committed period of time and lead healthier lives in general.  Check out the community cleanse tab for more details and keep checking the blog throughout the week for more information on how to prepare for the cleanse.  I hope to create a supportive environment for all you healthy junkies and encourage discussions and shared information on how to better prepare and maintain success while on the cleanse.