Transform Resolutions into Real Life Changes

With just over three weeks, until the first of the New Year, ideas for my 2012 potential resolutions are beginning to percolate. What am I going to let go of this New Year? What limiting belief pattern or non-productive habit am I willing to leave behind? I’ve had many resolutions over the years. The challenge is figuring out how to succeed. I see early January as an opportunity. It’s an opportunity to commit to something that will improve my life. It’s a chance to take stock of the past year and determine any gaps between where I am –or who I am—and what I intend in the coming year.

You can view my article, “New Beginnings for a New Year: Transform Resolutions into Lifestyle Changes,” in Napa Valley Life Magazine, Dec/Jan, 2011. I wrote the article with the intention to help us win! There are tips and strategies to help keep us on track, commit thoroughly to our goals and make 2012, the year to follow-through on what really matters to us.

As for my resolutions list, the ones I want to commit most to include:

  • Participate in the Eat Healthy Challenge, from January 4th-31st and eliminate all six elements.
  • Spend at least 15 minutes in the morning and at night meditating (total of at least 30 minutes per day).
  • Go to yoga at least one time every week.

I hope you’ll all consider joining me for the next Eat Healthy Challenge. There’s no better time to embark on this challenge than January.

3 responses to this post.

  1. Nice article…am excited for January, have fallen off the wagon a bit since Thanksgiving.

  2. Same as the last comment-I look forward to starting again! I have kept a few good habits: agave nectar instead of sugar, green tea in the AM instead of coffee, using more whole grains than I used to. But hard to keep up through the holidays….

    • The holidays were really hard for me too! I love the changes you’ve made! I’m excited to get back on track tomorrow.
      Happy New Year!
      Laura Page
      The Healthy Junkie

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